Daily Archives: August 31, 2014

What do lawyers and home health care workers have in common?

According to today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision Harris v. Quinn, not much. Mandatory state bars, including Michigan’s, were watching Harris closely (see the amicus brief submitted by 21 past presidents of the District of Columbia Bar), worried that if, as some amici urged, the court repudiated the seminal Michigan public union case Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, the decision would undermine the reasoning of Keller v. State Bar of California, the case defining what mandatory state bars are allowed to do, because Keller referred to Abood by analogy. Instead, the decision today expressly offers this reassurance to mandatory state…

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A Lawyer Helps: G. Christopher Bernard saves more than a minivan

When Mr. L’s minivan broke down and required expensive repairs, he was in danger of losing more than his method of transportation. He was also on the verge of becoming homeless. Because he couldn’t pay to have the van fixed, the repair shop declared it abandoned and the police impounded it and prepared to have it towed for scrap. That’s when Chris Bernard, an attorney at Bodman in Ann Arbor, stepped in to provide pro bono legal counsel to Mr. L. Find out how he helped Mr. L and worked with the city attorney to ensure nobody else ever faced…

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