Daily Archives: May 7, 2016

Real Property Law Section to Host Summer Conference in July

Boyne MountainThe State Bar of Michigan Real Property Law Section (RPLS) will host its 2016 Summer Conference, "Taking Your Practice to the Summit," July 13-16 at Boyne Mountain Resort & Spa in Boyne Falls.

Programs and workshops have been developed to educate both experienced and newer practitioners. A panel will discuss getting big acquisition deals done, and will delve into selecting the right buying entity, negotiating a loan commitment letter, the most important issues in completing a purchase agreement for both buyers and sellers, and making sure the closing goes smoothly. Workshops will cover best practices on drafting condo documents, owners choices on types of construction contracts, how to “quiet title,” and same sex marriage real estate issues.

Breakfast roundtables will cover under-utilized tax breaks for agricultural and forest property; claims against brokers, agents, and sellers; cell tower leases; crowd funding; splitting property; road vacations; electronic recording; appraisals; medical marijuana dispensary leases and current environmental issues. Programs will also go into real estate legislation under consideration by the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan Senate and summaries of the most important recent appellate decisions on Michigan real estate law.

Jack Lessenberry, Michigan Radio’s senior political analyst, will conclude the program with a special presentation called, “Into the Storm: What Can We Expect to Happen in this Bizarre Presidential Election Year—and What Will This Mean for 2017 and Beyond?”

Prior to May 14, the registration fee is $285 for RPLS members who are also first-time attendees, $325 for other RPLS members, and $375 for non-section members. After May 14, the registration fee rises to $325 for RPLS members who are also first-time attendees, $385 for other RPLS members, and $430 for non-section members. Members of the Young Lawyers Section can register for $100 both before and after May 14. More information and registration forms can be found on the RPLS website.

For more information contact Karen Schwartz at rplsks@gmail.com. For more information on upcoming RPLS events, become a fan of the section on Facebook by visiting facebook.com/RPLSMI.

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