Lawyers: When you get overwhelmed, don't forget about the State Bar's Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program

Sometimes being a lawyer can be really, really hard. This was highlighted in two recent stories in the Detroit News and ABA Journal about a Michigan attorney who broke down in tears in the courtroom while arguing for leniency for her client during a difficult case and then closed her law office for a year-long sabbatical. She has since started a blog discussing the Detroit News story and the ensuing fall-out. Please be aware that if you become overwhelmed by the stress and difficulty of your job that you do not have to carry that burden alone. The State Bar…

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Michigan Board of Law Examiners Posts Previous Bar Exam Statistics Online

Curious about Michigan’s bar exam passing rates from previous exams? The Michigan Board of Law Examiners has posted passage statistics from previous exams, dating from February of 2000 to February of 2014. They have also posted questions and examiners’ analyses from previous exams, dating from February of 2009 through February of 2014. Stay tuned to SBM Blog – we will bring you the results from the July 2014 bar exam as soon as they are posted. The Michigan Board of Law Examiners is the entity that oversees the Michigan Bar Exam. The Michigan Supreme Court oversees the BLE. The State…

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