Risk management: When it comes to client credit, pay attention to detail

Lawyers are generally very good at dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s. In other words, they are detail-oriented. Attorneys need to capitalize on that attribute when creating a credit policy. When it comes to your firm’s credit application, there are three basic components to setting a credit policy: 1) Approval 2) Determining credit limits …
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Attorney couldn't access client during police station construction

A lawyer claims Westland police violated her client's constitutional rights when they refused to let her meet with him due to building construction.
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No-Fault – Oral argument ordered for fee appeal in probate / no-fault case

At issue is whether an attorney who represented a guardian can collect fees under the no-fault act.
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Real Property – Defendant responsible for contractual attorney’s fees

Plaintiff, a summer resort owners’ corporation, did not have to foreclose its lien on defendant member’s property for unpaid dues and annual assessments before becoming entitled to an attorney’s fee award under its bylaws.
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Mini oral argument granted in attorney’s fee appeal

In Pirgu v. United Services Automobile Ass’n, the Michigan Court of Appeals had ruled the lawyer for an injured person’s guardian could get fees under the no-fault act.
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Lawsuit filed claiming police forced removal of woman's hijab

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is filing a lawsuit against the city of Dearborn.
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Communication balancing act: A method to the message madness

There’s no one-size-fits-all means of dealing with the voice mails and emails — and now even text messages — that bombard lawyers nearly every day. But there are a variety of ways to manage the madness.
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Attorney Grievance Commission goes after Detroit councilman

Detroit city councilman George Cushingberry has attracted the attention of the Attorney Grievance Commission.
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Judge Milton Mack Named State Court Administrator

The Michigan Supreme Court has announced that the Hon. Milton L. Mack Jr. has been named State Court Administrator. Judge Mack has served on the Wayne County Probate Court since 1990, and has served as chief judge since 1998. Prior to his service on the bench, Judge Mack was an attorney in private practice, a Wayne County commissioner and a City of Wayne councilman. He will assume his new role as State Court Administrator on July 27. He will work to improve the courts’ service to the public by measuring their performance and using the data to improve outcomes, implementing…
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