Risk management: When it comes to client credit, pay attention to detail 

Lawyers are generally very good at dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s. In other words, they are detail-oriented. Attorneys need to capitalize on that attribute when creating a credit policy. When it comes to your firm’s credit application, there are three basic components to setting a credit policy: 1) Approval 2) Determining credit limits …

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The selection process for Michigan Top Lawyers for 2015 is underway. Make your nominations today.

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Anyone can submit nominations, including: Current clients, past clients, lawyers, colleagues, marketing teams and consultants. Top Lawyers will be selected for each practice area. All nominations will be reviewed, confirmed, and approved by a Michigan Top Lawyers selection panel.

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Judge Milton Mack Named State Court Administrator

The Michigan Supreme Court has announced that the Hon. Milton L. Mack Jr. has been named State Court Administrator. Judge Mack has served on the Wayne County Probate Court since 1990, and has served as chief judge since 1998. Prior to his service on the bench, Judge Mack was an attorney in private practice, a Wayne County commissioner and a City of Wayne councilman. He will assume his new role as State Court Administrator on July 27. He will work to improve the courts’ service to the public by measuring their performance and using the data to improve outcomes, implementing…

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