Lawyers, start your questions
With depositions, both sides — the questioning lawyer and the witness’s counsel — should think carefully about routines like admonishments: whether and when to do them, and how to prepare for and respond to them.
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Oakland County child killer victim's father sues prosecutor
The Oakland County prosecutor’s office is the target of a new lawsuit as one father of a victim is fighting to get information.
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PetSmart shopper gets bit by pit bull in store
PetSmart is pet friendly, you can bring your furry friend anytime to roam the aisles and do a little shopping.What this store is known for, now has them facing a lawsuit.
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Lawyer must pay $100K legal tab in probate dispute
An attorney who hired a lawyer help him handle a probate matter must personally pay the lawyer’s $100,000 legal bill, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled, finding that the probate estate was not liable for the payment.
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Lose weight, not your money: What you should know before joining a gym
Lose weight but not your money – that’s the advice from Michigan’s attorney general, who says you have to be careful about getting stuck with the bill.
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Tables turned: Lawyer sitting on jury sees other side
An attorney’s usual role in the court is across the rail, making arguments to the judge and jury. But an experience on the other side as a juror, and fact finder, provided a valuable learning experience and reminder of what is and is not effective.
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Detroit tab for bankruptcy professionals: $170M
The bill for lawyers, consultants and other professionals in Detroit’s historic bankruptcy is $170 million.
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Law firm’s letter may not have ended attorney-client relationship
A client’s legal malpractice suit should not have been dismissed because a letter from the law firm to one of the client’s business entities did not necessarily terminate the attorney-client relationship, the Michigan Court of Appeals has decided.
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Appeals court shoots down Flushing man's lawsuit over arrest for drawing gun on trespassers
An appeals court has tossed a lawsuit from a Flushing man who was arrested after he pulled a gun to stop trespassers from leaving his Flushing Township property.
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Jury to decide whether lawyer fraudulently transferred assets
A jury — not a judge — must determine whether an attorney who transferred law firm assets to his wife did so to keep a creditor from collecting on a judgment that had been issued against him, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled.
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