SBM Young Lawyers Section to Host 10th Annual Summit

CrystalmountainThe State Bar of Michigan Young Lawyers Section will host its 10th Annual Summit April 28–29 at Crystal Mountain Resort in Thompsonville.

The Summit will feature a special keynote address by new Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Stephen Markman, and two educational programming tracks. The Professional and Business Development Track will include the following educational seminars: “Beyond LinkedIn: How to Build a Powerful Professional Network on Social Media,” “Rainmaking: Much More than Simply Making Money,” “Cut the Fat: Use Lean to Improve Efficiency, Reduce Cost & Return Respect for People to Your Legal Practice,” “The Professional Professional: Cultivating an Image for an Entire Career and Beyond,” & “Becoming an Articulate Advocate: Strategies for Powerful Public Speaking in and out of Court.”

The Litigation Boot Camp Track will include the following educational seminars: “Write Like the Best: A Hands-on Editorial Session,” “Evidence Jeopardy:  Enhancing Your on-the-Spot Evidence Knowledge in a Fun-Not-Painful-Way!,” “The Anatomy of the Ultimate Trial Notebook: from Case Screening to Verdict,” “Perfecting the Art of Voir Dire: Selecting the Best Jurors for Your Case,” and “Trial No Error: Tips on Trial Strategy.”

The Summit will also feature many networking opportunities, including a welcome reception at 7:00 p.m. on April 28, and morning exercise classes, breakfast, a keynote luncheon, and dinner on April 29. 

Young Lawyer Section members who register for the Summit before April 14 will pay $45, and the cost rises to $60 after April 14. For more information about the Summit, visit or contact Shenique Moss at

A block of rooms is being held at Crystal Mountain Resort until March 29. Reserve your hotel room at Crystal Mountain Resort online or by calling (855) 520-2974 and using the group code 4617RV.

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